To begin our review, let’s consider five cornerstone summary points on Thurman Munson’s career:
1) Munson’s 10 Year Wins Above Replacement (WAR) of 45.6 has been exceeded only by 6 Catchers in history! He is one 10 Catchers in baseball history to catch 1000+ games with 40+ WAR for 10 consecutive years. Every other catcher man in this list of 10 players is in the Hall of Fame.
2) Munson’s .357 postseason average is 94 points above the HOF Catcher average – with hits in 27 of 30 games! He hit .529, .320 and .320 in the three worlds series from 1976-78.
3) Four Consecutive Seasons of 180 hits and caught 120 games
4) Three Consecutive Seasons of batting .300 with 100 RBI.
Munson was generally known as a great leader among his teammates.
As these pages will show, Thurman Munson delivered a historical decade of excellence. His truly historical contributions to the game have very nearly been lost to history. This research effort and summary is designed to put Munson’s career into context and make a robust argument for why he deserves to be considered one of baseball’s all-time greats and welcomed into the Hall of Fame.